
“女狮子会炫丽晚宴” –您想接触和认识多伦多本地的女企业家吗?欢迎参加2014年3月27日多伦多最盛大的女企业家聚会!加拿大联合国妇女委员会主席Almas Jiwani,将亲临现场并发表讲话。在这次晚宴上,您将有机会接触北美地区主流社会的女企业家,扩展人脉、扩大企业知名度。这绝对是北美地区高、大、上的社交晚宴,预计届时将有300位本地女企业家参加本次宴会。男士请着商务正装出席、女士请着晚礼服出席。名额有限,欢迎多伦多商界精英人士抓紧时间报名参加!

日 期: 2014年3月27日 星期四

时 间:7:00 pm

地 点:The Grand  Luxe  Event Boutique

3125  Bayview          Ave, Toronto, ON M2K 1G2

票 价:135元 / 人

晚宴流程:7:00pm – 7:30pm 签到

7:30pm – 8:00pm 加拿大联合国妇女委员会主席Almas Jiwani讲话

8:00pm – 9:00pm 晚宴&自由交流

9:00pm – 9:30pm  慈善拍卖

9:30pm – 11:30pm 表演秀

Here is the Lioness Glam gala info. Would you social and networking with the elite group of business women in Toronto? I’d like to invite you to attend this most prestigious event in 2014, Lioness Glam Gala on march 27, hosting by Lioness Woman’s Club, in support of UN Women National Canada to help women and girls with many critical issues such as violence. This is a great opportunity to shine your business to this elite business group. Sponsorship and vendor package is attached for your immediate review. This event will instantly connect you to the high society of business circles in Toronto with main stream and Chinese business. Just like that! Please contact us asap and secure the opportunity! See you at the exciting event!

名人名商俱乐部 :


Annie Wang (647)500-2831,info@fameweekly.com

Shirley Shi (647)898-8083 sshi@fameclub.ca